Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Joy of Others

I recently did a workshop in San Francisco. I pass along the pleasure "T" gave me with this recent email message:

From "T":

"Hi Cliff-

"A huge thank you for an amazing weekend. Your insights about acting and life in general are so inspiring, as is your warm and comforting character. I'm still coming down from the rush."

Little wonder I still continue teaching.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

ON ACTING: Complexity in Performance

The journey of knowledge into the human psyche has proceeded about as far as the human journey of understanding has progressed into the universe. An actor who acts without that appreciation of the depth of human complication within him flies his acting craft very low to the ground…and will often crash in the unremitting and all-consuming explosion of audience boredom.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The Art of Dialogue

Dialogue should not be spoken from the mouth, but from the heart.