Wednesday, February 07, 2007

ON ACTING: Myles has Done a Lot of Reading...THANKS!

Myles has sent the following comments RE three of my blogs. Thank you, Myles, for reading and for commenting.

...on my post RE "Seeking Comments"

"...coming from the mountain top..."; I can relate to that comment. It's like a message from above. To experience Cliff in class is like jumping off of Waimea falls in Hawaii. You climb and climb, once you get to the top of the cliff you realize that you can't climb back down. The only way is to let go and jump and enjoy the ride.

...on my blog RE "Emotional Classes and Exercising

As I try to unlock my emotional memories I've found that there is a lot that has been forgotten. As I write them down on paper I feel myself living through "it" again. For now I'll have to carry these letters with me until I'm in shape to hold the keys that will open those damn locks!

...on my blog RE "Why Actor's Get Bored With Certain Roles"

I love reading your blog Cliff. It's like being able to talk to you everyday! I learn something each time I read. You open up my mind and give me the strength I need to just let go. Thank you always. Myles

Thank YOU!


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