Friday, September 01, 2006

Apologies For My Disappearance

Six weeks later. I am back.

For those of you who might been following my blog and might have missed me and my notes since July 20th, I apologize...but I was gone in 'actor-land' myself: I am preparing to do a play in Los Angeles in October...and have been swamped with the casting sessions and learning lines. The play is "Death of a Salesman". I am playing Willy Loman and he does nothing but talk throughout the play! Feel sorry for me, or envy me...or both. The play opens October 21st at the Oddysey Theater in West LA, and runs Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday matinee running until December 3rd.

During rehearsal and performanceI intend to continue to write blog-notes...but if I disappear will know where I have gone.

Thanks for staying with me.


Blogger CV said...

Cliff, what an amazing opportunity! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see you on stage. Break a leg and I'll see you in a few months in class.

2:09 PM  

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