ON ACTING: "Chemistry" (...and on a personal note: a return.)
The student mentioned her problem with "not always having chemistry" with an audition partner. This was my response to her:
..."As to 'chemistry' with other actors, that is an issue that an actor should not have, whether during an audition or during performance. Chemistry with another actor is like a mulling over a one night stand set up right at closing time...rather than thinking: anybody will do.
"You are too worried about long-term effects: like who you're gonna wake up to in the morning. After the fact is a long time concern that part of a rational person's make up; it should not be an actor's concern; such worries are a luxury. Remember, acting is a disease free zone...and we kick them out right after the performance or audition. Why not have chemistry with whoever says yes at 2 AM, or whomever is appointed as an audition partner? It's fun; and should have no further consequences."
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